WordPress with it's custom taxonomy engine has the Post Format1 option, but it would be much better to do this automatically, wouldn't it?
If me as a human can tell the which post is what I just need to translate it to PHP.
Also: post-type-discovery2 is an interesting idea, and though I like Amy's approach3, it's not really what I need. Especially that unlike most of the sites, I have two, different types of picture-based posts: Photo ( made by me ) and Image ( from somewhere else ).
I have a constant here, to make things easier: ARTICLE_MIN_LENGTH is 1100 right now. All my posts are in Markdown, to the regexes are against Markdown formatting.
- if
- there is a meta webmention url
- and a meta webmention type
- and the webmention type is 'u-in-reply-to'
- and there is a meta webmention rsvp entry the post is
- elseif
- either
- there is a meta webmention url
- and a meta webmention type
- and the webmention type is 'u-in-reply-to'
- and there is no meta webmention rsvp entry
- or
- the post is imported from Twitter
- and is a reply to a tweet the post is a
- either
- elseif
- preg_match
is true for the post content, so it has some fenced Markdown code blocks4 the type isarticle
- preg_match
- elseif
- there is a featured image attached
- and the featured image has EXIF
- matching any of my cameras
- OR my name in the copyright field
- and the post content is at least 90% similar to the image IPTC
description ( which I copy for the post content when I upload a photo )
the type is
- elseif
- the content length is below ARTICLE_MIN_LENGTH
- and the post has an attached image it an
- elseif
- content is a single url the type is
- content is a single url the type is
- elseif
- the content length is below ARTICLE_MIN_LENGTH
- and the post content preg_match
the type isvideo
- elseif
- the content length is below ARTICLE_MIN_LENGTH
- and the post content preg_match
the type isaudio
- elseif
- the content length is below ARTICLE_MIN_LENGTH
- and the post content preg_match
"/^> /m"
the type isquote
- elseif
- the post title is empty
- or
- content length is below ARTICLE_MIN_LENGTH
- and the post has the category 'blips' the format is
- else it's an
It's not perfect yet, but I'm getting there.
In PHP, including all helper functions ( this is not a copy-paste code; it will probably break if you do that ):
define('ARTICLE_MIN_LENGTH', 1100);
define('CACHE_EXPIRE', 300);
function post_format ( &$post ) {
if (empty($post) || !is_object($post) || !isset($post->ID))
return false;
if ( $cached = wp_cache_get ( $post->ID, __FUNCTION__ ) )
return $cached;
$slug = 'article';
$name = __('Article', 'petermolnareu');
$post_length = strlen( $post->post_content );
$webmention_url = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'webmention_url', true );
$webmention_type = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'webmention_type', true );
$webmention_rsvp = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'webmention_rsvp', true );
$links = extract_urls($post->post_content);
$content = $post->post_content;
if (!empty($links) && count($links) == 1) {
// one single link in the post, so it's most probably a bookmark
$webmention_url = $links[0];
$content = str_replace($webmention_url, '', $content);
$content = trim($content);
$is_twitter_reply = is_twitter_reply($post);
// /m for multiline, so ^ means beginning of line
$has_quote = preg_match("/^> /m", $post->post_content);
// /m for multiline, so ^ means beginning of line
$has_code = preg_match("/^```(?:[a-z]+)?/m", $post->post_content);
$diff = 0;
$has_thumbnail = get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID );
if ( $has_thumbnail ) {
$thumbnail_meta = get_extended_meta( $has_thumbnail );
if (isset($thumbnail_meta['image_meta']['caption']) && !empty($thumbnail_meta['image_meta']['caption'])) {
similar_text( $post->post_content, $thumbnail_meta['image_meta']['caption'], $diff);
$has_youtube = preg_match("/(?:www\.)?youtube\.com\/watch\?v=[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+/", $post->post_content);
$has_audio = preg_match("/\[audio.*\]/", $post->post_content);
$has_blips = has_category( 'blips', $post );
* Actual discovery
if ( !empty($webmention_url) && !empty($webmention_type) && $webmention_type == 'u-in-reply-to' && !empty($webmention_rsvp) ) {
$slug = 'rsvp';
$name = __('Response to event','petermolnareu');
elseif ( (!empty($webmention_url) && !empty($webmention_type) && $webmention_type == 'u-in-reply-to') || $is_twitter_reply ) {
$slug = 'reply';
$name = __('Reply','petermolnareu');
elseif ( $has_code ) {
$slug = 'article';
$name = __('Article', 'petermolnareu');
elseif ( $has_thumbnail && static::is_photo($has_thumbnail) && $diff > 90 ) {
$slug = 'photo';
$name = __('Photo','petermolnareu');
elseif ( $post_length < ARTICLE_MIN_LENGTH && $has_thumbnail ) {
$slug = 'image';
$name = __('Image','petermolnareu');
elseif ( !empty($webmention_url) && empty($content)) {
$slug = 'bookmark';
$name = __('Bookmark','petermolnareu');
elseif ( $post_length < ARTICLE_MIN_LENGTH && $has_youtube ) {
$slug = 'video';
$name = __('Video','petermolnareu');
elseif ( $post_length < ARTICLE_MIN_LENGTH && $has_audio ) {
$slug = 'audio';
$name = __('Audio','petermolnareu');
elseif ( $post_length < ARTICLE_MIN_LENGTH && $has_quote ) {
$slug = 'quote';
$name = __('Quote','petermolnareu');
elseif ( strlen($post->post_title) == 0 || ($post_length < ARTICLE_MIN_LENGTH && $has_blips) ) {
$slug = 'note';
$name = __('Note','petermolnareu');
wp_cache_set ( $post->ID, $slug, __FUNCTION__, CACHE_EXPIRE );
return $slug;
function is_photo (&$thid) {
if ( empty($thid))
return false;
if ( $cached = wp_cache_get ( $thid, __FUNCTION__ ) )
return $cached;
$return = false;
$rawmeta = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $thid );
if ( isset( $rawmeta['image_meta'] ) && !empty($rawmeta['image_meta'])) {
if (isset($rawmeta['image_meta']['copyright']) && !empty($rawmeta['image_meta']['copyright']) && ( stristr($rawmeta['image_meta']['copyright'], 'Peter Molnar') || stristr($rawmeta['image_meta']['copyright'], 'petermolnar.eu'))) {
$return = true;
$my_devs = array ( 'PENTAX K-5 II s', 'NIKON D80' );
if ( isset($rawmeta['image_meta']['camera']) && !empty($rawmeta['image_meta']['camera']) && in_array(trim($rawmeta['image_meta']['camera']), $my_devs)) {
$return = true;
wp_cache_set ( $thid, $return, __FUNCTION__, CACHE_EXPIRE );
return $return;
function get_extended_meta ( &$thid ) {
if ( empty ( $thid ) )
return false;
if ( $cached = wp_cache_get ( $thid, __FUNCTION__ ) )
return $cached;
$attachment = get_post( $thid );
$meta = array();
if ( if (empty($attachment) || !is_object($attachment) || !isset($attachment->ID))) {
$meta = wp_get_attachment_metadata($thid);
if ( !empty ( $attachment->post_parent ) ) {
$parent = get_post( $attachment->post_parent );
$meta['parent'] = $parent->ID;
$src = wp_get_attachment_image_src ($thid, 'full');
$meta['src'] = $src[0];
if (isset($meta['sizes']) && !empty($meta['sizes'])) {
foreach ( $meta['sizes'] as $size => $data ) {
$src = wp_get_attachment_image_src ($thid, $size);
$meta['sizes'][$size]['src'] = $src;
if ( empty($meta['image_meta']['title']))
$meta['image_meta']['title'] = esc_attr($attachment->post_title);
$slug = sanitize_title ( $meta['image_meta']['title'] , $thid );
if ( is_numeric( substr( $slug, 0, 1) ) )
$slug = 'img-' . $slug;
$meta['image_meta']['slug'] = $slug;
$meta['image_meta']['alt'] = '';
$alt = get_post_meta($thid, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true);
if ( !empty($alt))
$meta['image_meta']['alt'] = strip_tags($alt);
wp_cache_set ( $thid, $meta, __FUNCTION__, CACHE_EXPIRE );
return $meta;
function is_twitter_reply( &$post ) {
if ( $cached = wp_cache_get ( $post->ID, __FUNCTION__ ) )
return $cached;
$r = false;
$twitter_in_reply_to_screen_name = get_post_meta ( $post->ID, 'twitter_in_reply_to_screen_name', true);
if (!empty($twitter_in_reply_to_screen_name)) {
$r = true;
$twitter_reply_id = get_post_meta ($post->ID, 'twitter_reply_id', true);
if (!empty($twitter_reply_id)) {
$r = true;
wp_cache_set ( $post->ID, $r, __FUNCTION__, CACHE_EXPIRE );
return $r;
// this is mainly for Markdown, HTML may fail
function extract_urls( &$text ) {
$matches = array();
preg_match_all("/\b(?:http|https)\:\/\/?[a-zA-Z0-9\.\/\?\:@\-_=#]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9\.\/\?\:@\-_=#]*/i", $text, $matches);
$matches = $matches[0];
return $matches;
(Oh, by the way: this entry was written by Peter Molnar, and originally posted on petermolnar dot net.)
Responses from the internet