About this site
What is on the site
There is a mix of content on this page:
- tinkerings with linux, embedded, internet things are under the IT section
- travels & longer braindumps are under journal
- photos in photo
- while notes contain replies and miscellaneous entries
This site, including the CSS, the HTML, the python, the PHP, the articles, the photos taken, and so on, are all made by a human - me. No AI was involved.
The technical parts
At this point in time, it's mainly a static HTML website, generated from Markdown + YAML frontmatter files with Python, pandoc, and exiftool,plus a couple of PHP scripts for search and proper redirecting. This is a result of a long process, which process is more or less documented under entries in IT. The engine is hidden in plane sight.
Note: this site, and the rest of this server (email, XMPP, etc) is hosted on a tiny computer at our home, because these days our internet is finally stable enough to do this, but there's every chance that occasionally it goes down - and that's normal.
The retro bits
The site has a slight fascination with reminiscence of obsolete technology; therefore it provides a gopher version of the site.
About me
My main contact point is email, but you can also reach me on XMPP/Jabber.
I'm from Hungary, living and working in Cambridge, UK. Linux sysadmin by day, east asian martial studies practitioner on some weekday evenings. I'm happily married to Nora who shares more of my interests I thought possible, including most of my rather complex musical taste, and my love for photography.
In essence:
GE d@ s: a C++$ UBL+++$ P++(--)$ L++(-)$ !E W+++(-)$ !N !o K--? w !O !M !V PS++ PE- Y+ PGP+ t+ 5+++ X+ R tv b+ DI D+ G e++ h r+++ y+++*
and if you know what this is, you've been on the
internet for a while or dug too deep into nostalgia.
If you wish to use any of the photos made by me which use is not covered by the CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0 licence, please get in touch with me.
(Oh, by the way: this entry was written by Peter Molnar, and originally posted on petermolnar dot net.)