Illegal content risk assessment for the Online Safety Act

Document history

Version Date Author Comment
1.0 2025-02-12 Peter Molnar Contact:


This is a personal website that exists for fun and to have a home online.

Key facts

Online Safety Act illegal content risk assessment

Key information

Information Answer
The service to which the risk assessment relates My self-hosted, single-user website at: and any other service under subdomains of
The named person responsible for the risk assessment Peter Molnar
The findings of this risk assessment have been reported and recorded through appropriate governance channels Yes: logged in this document
Next scheduled review date 2026-02-01

Document history

Date Version Nature of change (created / reviewed / updated) Who completed the risk assessment Who approved the risk assessment
2025-02-12 0.1 Created NB NB

Ofcom’s suggested steps

Ofcom's risk factors

I am the only person who can post to this website. I accept webmentions which always go through manual moderation before they appear on this site, and therefore fall under the same terms as posting new content.

According to Ofcom's risk factors guidance:

Type of content Risk factors (from Ofcom’s risk profiles) Conclusion Rationale Measures
Terrorism 1a, 4a, 5,b, 5e, 7b Negligible There is no content like this is, or will ever be posted, therefore likelihood of a visitor encountering this content is nonexistent. None
Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (CSEA): Grooming 1a, 2, 3a, 4a, 5b Negligible There is no content like this is, or will ever be posted, therefore likelihood of a visitor encountering this content is nonexistent. None
Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (CSEA): Images 1a, 2, 5b Negligible There is no content like this is, or will ever be posted, therefore likelihood of a visitor encountering this content is nonexistent. None
Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (CSEA): URLs 7b Negligible risk There is no content like this is, or will ever be posted, therefore likelihood of a visitor encountering this content is nonexistent. None
Encouraging or assisting suicide 1a, 5e, 5g, 7b Negligible There is no content like this is, or will ever be posted, therefore likelihood of a visitor encountering this content is nonexistent. None
Hate 1a, 3a, 5e Negligible There is no content like this is, or will ever be posted, therefore likelihood of a visitor encountering this content is nonexistent. None
Harassment, stalking, threats and abuse 1a, 3a, 4a, 5b, 5e, 5g Negligible There is no content like this is, or will ever be posted, therefore likelihood of a visitor encountering this content is nonexistent. None
Controlling or coercive behaviour 1a, 4a, 5b Negligible There is no content like this is, or will ever be posted, therefore likelihood of a visitor encountering this content is nonexistent. None
Drugs and psychoactive substances 1a, 3a, 4a, 5b, 5e, 7b Negligible There is no content like this is, or will ever be posted, therefore likelihood of a visitor encountering this content is nonexistent. None
Firearms, knives or other weapons 1a Low I practice and teach martial arts, and I'm fully licenced and insured. The art include certain weapons, including, but not limited to, knives, swords, and archery. Should I ever post about this subject it will be presented in a folk/traditionalist sense for the sake of sport and health. None
Human trafficking 1a, 3a, 5e Negligible There is no content like this is, or will ever be posted, therefore likelihood of a visitor encountering this content is nonexistent. None
Unlawful immigration 1a, 3a, 5e Negligible There is no content like this is, or will ever be posted, therefore likelihood of a visitor encountering this content is nonexistent. None
Sexual exploitation of adults 1a, 3a Negligible There is no content like this is, or will ever be posted, therefore likelihood of a visitor encountering this content is nonexistent. None
Extreme pornography 1a, 5e Negligible There is no content like this is, or will ever be posted, therefore likelihood of a visitor encountering this content is nonexistent. None
Intimate image abuse 1a, 5b, 5g Negligible There is no content like this is, or will ever be posted, therefore likelihood of a visitor encountering this content is nonexistent. None
Proceeds of crime 1a, 3a Negligible There is no content like this is, or will ever be posted, therefore likelihood of a visitor encountering this content is nonexistent. None
Fraud and financial offences 1a, 3a, 4a, 5b, 7b Negligible There is no content like this is, or will ever be posted, therefore likelihood of a visitor encountering this content is nonexistent. None
Foreign interference 1a, 3a, 4a, 5e, 5g, 7b Negligible There is no content like this is, or will ever be posted, therefore likelihood of a visitor encountering this content is nonexistent. None
Animal cruelty 1a, 5e Negligible There is no content like this is, or will ever be posted, therefore likelihood of a visitor encountering this content is nonexistent. None

Other illegal content

Illegal content/offence Risk of encountering this content/offence Rationale Measures that you will implement using Ofcom’s Codes of Practice or alternative measures
All other content / offences Negligible The likelihood of a visitor encountering other illegal content, or the service being used to facilitate or commit other offences, is incredibly low, due to the manual, always present moderation of any incoming links or content. None


Safety duties about illegal content

The following sets out my approach to compliance with the various safety duties in s10 OSA.

See also Ofcom's recommended measures (table on page 8).


Some of the duties require me to take "proportionate measures".

In determining what is proportionate, the OSA says that "the size and capacity of the provider of the service" are particularly relevant.

To that end, I am quite large, with a significant capacity for being caring and understanding.

Duties and approach

Duty My approach
To prevent individuals from encountering priority illegal content by means of the service I will not post illegal content.
To effectively mitigate and manage the risk of the service being used for the commission or facilitation of a priority offence I will not post illegal content.
To effectively mitigate and manage the risks of harm to individuals No additional actions planned.
To minimise the length of time for which any priority illegal content is present I will take down any illegal content.
Where the provider is alerted by a person to the presence of any illegal content, or becomes aware of it in any other way, swiftly take down such content I will take down any illegal content.
To have in place regulatory compliance and risk management arrangements I do not consider that these are proportionate to the risk.
design of functionalities, algorithms and other features There are no algorithms on the site.
policies on terms of use There is no terms of use.
policies on user access to the service or to particular content present on the service, including blocking users from accessing the service or particular content There is no access control on the site.
content moderation, including taking down content  
functionalities allowing users to control the content they encounter This is not relevant to my website.
user support measures This is not relevant to my website.
staff policies and practices This is not relevant to my website.
to include provisions in the terms of service specifying how individuals are to be protected from illegal content There are no terms of service.
A duty to apply the provisions of the terms of service consistently There are no terms of service.
A duty to include provisions in the terms of service giving information about any proactive technology used by a service for the purpose of compliance with a duty set out in s10(2) or 10(3) (including the kind of technology, when it is used, and how it works). There are no terms of service.
A duty to ensure that the provisions of the terms of service are clear and accessible There are no terms of service.

In accordance with s66, if I were to become aware of unreported CSEA, I will report it to the NCA.

Ofcom reference Measure Comment
ICU A2 Accountable individual Peter Molnar
ICU C1 Content moderation function I will review and assess suspected illegal content
ICU C2 Take down I will remove reported illegal content
ICU D1 Enabling complaints Anyone can complain via
ICU D2 Easy to find complaints information Use
ICU D7 Appropriate action for complaints I will handle any complaints
ICU D10 Appeals I will handle appeals
ICU D11 Proactive technology I am not using proactive technology
ICU D12 Appropriate action for complaints As per ICU D7, I will handle any complaints
ICU D13 Manifestly unfounded complaints I will handle complaints
ICU G1 Terms of service Not applicable
ICU G3 Clarity of terms See ICU G1
ICU H1 Proscribed organisations I will block anyone I become aware that they are a member of a proscribed organisation.


Action Date Status
None n/a n/a


This document is based on Neil Brown's work and is licensed under Creative Commons CC BY-SA 4.0.