When you realise there is a bank holiday coming soon, and you have no plans yet even though weather looks promising, you start looking for options. In our case the usual destination is the Peak District, but it was sold out, so we had to look elsewhere.
Since we wanted to visit Snowdonia for a long while now, it seemed like a good choice - although the weather forecast for Sunday was rough. And my, I wasn't expecting what we got.
This place has mountains, real mountains; some peaks still had snow when we got there on Saturday, and we had magnificent lights.
Apart from a minor rotate, no edit, filter - neither software, nor physical - was used here; this did actually look like this.
If you decide to visit, climbing Snowdon shouldn't be your priority. We even didn't bother to go this time: the other locations surrounding it might even be more unique - since if you're on the highest mountain, you can't take breathtaking pictures of the other mountains, can you?
(Oh, by the way: this entry was written by Peter Molnar, and originally posted on petermolnar dot net.)