
Responses to other blogs, miscellaneous short pieces.


Yes. I felt and feel the same, and the current news are the saddest step backwards in my lifetime so far.

I somewhat also feel the same about the Concorde. That thing was a symbol of engineering, and while it was full of issues, abandoning the whole class…

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James, you are most probably looking for something like


Ana, this is a wonderful post. It covers a journey, with invaluable takeaways; thank you for writing it. This response is just replies to bits and pieces from it.

I recently went through archived versions of my site. The contents, and the generic ideas fo…

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I very much like the idea of a uniform algorithm for this - similarly to During that session the list on came up as a source for licence indication - unfortunately neither rel="licence" …

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You should make a poster-printable version of it, ala , so we could hang it at indiewebcamps/homebrew website clubs.


Anyone with me? Am I totes off base?

You are certainly not; the tools provided right now are indeed technical. However, you have to keep it in mind, that none of the specifications are finalised in any form - only webmentions are in W3C recommendation s…

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Richard: Blogroll, as name is mostly dead - nowadays you probably want to call it following. If you think about it, it's the same thing, the difference is that following is more common within silos1.

I'm thinking of displaying all my publicly followed ent…

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Encouraging read, thank you very much.

I'm living abroad, far from a lot of friends, whom with my ties are getting weaker and weaker, even though most of them are present on the mentioned services.

There is a plethora of options in front of them, in front…

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It is often stressed in WordPress circles that plugins and themes should be compatible to obsolete 5.2 version of PHP programming language.


Because otherwise you will break people's sites.


Because people still run their sites on PHP 5.2…

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I recently batch-geotagged photos of mine for the first time ever; I ended up using, it is quite handy.

If you're planning to make an API I suggest you make it gpx compatible; in case you ever obtain anyt…

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The reason for this trends is significantly easier to answer than you think, Amanda: noise.

That 35 years from 1981 introduced noise everywhere: the streets are crowded are noisy; the cubicles are gone, so our open-space trendy workplaces are noisy; malls…

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There must be a good way to find interesting original stuff on the web and present it to people who are interested without them needing to actively search for it or "follow" a bunch of people to maybe find one or two good pieces in between a pile of crap…

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Chris, I've disabled Pingbacks on my WordPress due to an extensive and annoying amount of spam.

However, I did send a webmention at 2016-03-10 16:01:01, which I've checked now. The response was:

error: no_link_found
error_text: The source URI does not con…
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Peter, AFAIK just redirects you to a RSS/Atom reader and such buttons exist for ages.

There's a little more to that. subtome could include h-feed parsers as options as well.

RSS is dying and I prefer #IndieWeb h-feed because it'…

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It took me a while to realize what the problem is.

For a long time, we've seen sponsored content as a bad, evil thing, that is driven by greed and capitalism. ( See corresponding Wayne's World moment1 )

This still stands for many situations but it seems l…

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If it's a paragraph, it's a post. Medium-sized content gets short shrift these days. Don't go long. One or two paragraphs count. Then press publish.

I disagree with this just a little: "If it's a paragraph, it can be a post."

Negotiate a comfort zone o…

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Collectively, the Web-privileged world is recording an insane amount of unstructured personal data; so many fleeting thoughts and feelings and desires and needs. Where did this come from? Didn't we used to manage fine without?

A bit to read: "We, the We…

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The Unix philosophy

  1. Small is beautiful.
  2. Make each program do one thing well.
  3. Build a prototype as soon as possible.
  4. Choose portability over efficiency.
  5. Store data in flat text files.
  6. Use software leverage to your advantage.
  7. Use shell scripts to increase leverage and portabi…
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05 May, 2015

Ford Után 107-ben járunk.


A szóma, ha mondom / segít a gondon -


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Legend of Korra is sad, depressing, turning a beautiful, unique world inside out by trying to be "grown up" and "realistic"

The Legend of Aang is going from a certain point to somewhere with a goal. All the characters gaining and loosing during the show, there are important moments describing the world and building background story, with lots of surprises during this time. Zuk…

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Sony DD-8 Data Discman Electronic Book Player

RT @aliszewski I desperately want this Sony Data Discman from 1993. An e-reader that accepts floppy disks.

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20 November, 2014

tény: egy pokémon mindig csak a nevét mondja. következtetés: Hodor egy pokémon.


Aki megmondja, mi van a képen és hogy honnan van a kép, kap egy sört, amikor legközelebb találkozom vele.

Tovább »


Fifty years ago, the future was going to be full of technology, it would make work simpler, mundane tasks around the home would be automated and there was serious talk of people working only two or three days a week, having their time freed up for the im…

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29 September, 2014

Es meg nem kotoztek teged a legkozelebbi Starbuckshoz a derekuk kore csavart, szigoruan csakis levagott kormanyos fixihez hasznalhato biciklilancukkal es probaltak meg halalracsikizni a kis kackias bajszukkal mikozben alternativ folk-indie-melodic-rock-t…

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I even disagree with the Thanksgiving day example; share and defend your opinion, debate and argue, because otherwise the world will never solve problems.

12 August, 2014

RAGE ON Amikor egy cyberpunknak álcázott animéről kiderül, hogy dráma ÉS NINCS VÉGE, csak hogy NA MAJD MOST JÖN A NAGY HARC, na annak az íróját pofozza meg valaki nagyon. Silent Möbius amúgy. Nem, nem éri meg megnézni. Főleg, hogy 26 rész.


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🌐 12 August, 2014

I can't find things on the internet from before 2002. Is there limit like for Kelly Bundy, new pushing out the old?


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Alphabetical Order Dragon

I've found this in our puppet repository:

#                     ,     _,
#                    #`-"-'/
#                   #/   o (o
#                  #/ __   '._
#  ,_#_#          #/  /=/`-. _")
#   '-.`#       #/  /=(_.. `-`.
#       `#    #/  -.'`_`_
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You were gone forever. I counted.

your were gone forever
your were gone forever CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0
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typography: you're doing it wrong

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A not-so-hidden London walk definitely worth trying once

On Google Maps.

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🌐 12 May, 2014

Ha vannak 10 évnél régebbi blogbejegyzéseitek, olvassátok vissza őket és gondolkozzatok el rajta, mennyit változtatok. Ahogy nézem én nem sokat: megtanultam kicsit finomabban véleményt formálni ( általában ) illetve egy-két téma aktualitását vesztette.


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🌐 06 May, 2014

Have fun. Remember that GeoCities page you built back in the mid-90s? The one with the Java applets, garish green background and seventeen animated GIFs? It may have been ugly, badly coded and sucky, but it was fun, damnit. Keep the web weird and interes…

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04 May, 2014

For the very first time in my life I think I'm starting to understand why one just wants a computer which "just works": I'm looking for a car, which "just works".

I know I'm a strange male, but I don't like cars. There's no particular type, not even prefe…

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It's all clear now; you just need to find the source of the inspiration.

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16 April, 2014

Ilyet minden nappaliba. Princessfairytalehorse.

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12 April, 2014

Mindent elmond a mai popzenéről, hogy szinte bármelyik szám refrénjét nyugodtan lehet üvöltő kecskékkel helyettesíteni.

thereifixedit bus station

thereifixedit bus station
thereifixedit bus station CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0
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cambridge-ice CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0
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18 January, 2014

Remake, Reboot, reshit... OK, the sci-fi masterpieces cannot be made to a good movie ( The Foundation for example would take a whole season of movies at least ). But. No trilogy from the Weaverworld of Clive Barker? It has horror, urban fantasy, philosoph…

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12 December, 2013

T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM, long time no see!


03 December, 2013

Elfeledett cikkekre reagált hozzászólásokat olvasok - többek közt a sajátjaimat. Döbbenten fedezem fel, hogy mennyit romlott mindenki fogalmazás- és prózakészségem, hogy mennyivel értelmetlenebbek, rövidebbek a mondtatok, mennyivel szűkebb lett a kifejezé…

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19 November, 2013

esszenciális hipszter, amikor a ismeretlenség nem állapot, hanem cél - Tibor NINth1

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one cat per door

doors with cats
doors with cats CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0
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Cambridge: Nóri biofűnyíróval

Cows in the middle of Cambridge
Cows in the middle of Cambridge CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0
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22 July, 2013

When upgrading to MySQL 5.6 and you see insane memory usage, Google "table_definition_cache" to save the day.

natural energy

Natural energy. Any questions? :D

pussy-natural-energy CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0
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Nyár van ^^

summer-globe-panorama Nexus 4, CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0
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25 January, 2013

Running into a Hungarian friend on the London Tube during the rush hour

  • priceless.



Kiwi. Londonban. Novemberben. Nem, nem üvegházban; Hampstead egyik kertjében.

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16 November, 2012

A hardware az amit nem csak szidni hanem rúgdosni is lehet. - btudos1

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Welcome to autumn London

autumn fog in London
autumn fog in London CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0
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Hacknet street art

The most fascinating street art i've seen in London so far.

Street art on a London wall
Street art on a London wall Nexus 4, 1/869 sec, CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0
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Kinyitom a céges hűtőt és ez fogad, WTF?

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21 October, 2012

Sör és Street Fighter.

  • with Balázs Frank and Peter Batha.

Balázs Frank, Péter Molnár Köszönet a tegnap éjszakáért!! Rég röhögtem ennyit grin emoticon EppikkPrüntyty és VEN ugrálásának a hangja még sokáig kisérteni fognak

eppikkpruntyty CC-BY…
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29 September, 2012

Nyugi labda? ( jelmagyarázat: kerek szivacs golyó, lehet nyomogatni)

Nem kell, idegesít.

Selejtítés, ~22. nap.

10 August, 2012

Te, olyan nőm van, 90-60-90!


foolproof error message done right

pdf2djvu error message: "I won't write DjVu data to a terminal."

Budapest, 50 °C

50 °C. Nem hivatalos, de itt es most ennyi, pont.

budapest 50C
budapest 50C CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0
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12 June, 2012

Nóri szerint látens-gót vagyok.

23 May, 2012

Az a plusz súly a táskában, tudom már: hazahoztuk az angol időjárást. De ki pakolta el?

templom-kávézó: official Dublin Tourism Center

Ez a kávézó az official Dublin Tourism Centerben van, ami egy átalakított templom.

dublin_tourism_center_cafe_church CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0
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Finn MacCools Café

@TarkabarkaHolgy nothing is safe in capitalism.

finn_maccools_cafe CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0
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ZS-kategóriás gyöngyszemek

ZS-kategóriás gyöngyszemek
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11 March, 2012

Yesterday evening: VirtualDJ on HP w/ Windows 7, Traktor on Macbook Pro w/ OSX, #mixxx on Thinkpad w/ Linux Mint on the same desk.

and/nor/xor/or/not droid

Bering an electrical engineer made it obligatory to share this.

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03 February, 2012

Egy mérnökkel vitatkozni olyan, mint birkózni egy disznóval a sárban. Néhány óra elteltével rájössz, ő ezt élvezi.

Rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock

Rock, paper, scissors, lizard,
Rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock
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26 January, 2012

A bölcs Salamon mondá valaha, az ebookoknak nincs szaga... asszem megyek aludni.

17 January, 2012

Te, figyelj, ez a bakancs eléri a hátsó fogakat is, igaz? - Zoli

07 January, 2012

A programozó botor tekintete folyómély drágaköveket hoz felszínre. -

03 January, 2012

full valid XHTML strict... sooo bauhaus :P - @aorcsik1

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02 December, 2011

Fáradt vagyok, mint egy kicentrifugált zombi Chuck Norris barátságos lapajgatása után.

08 November, 2011

Uram, maga sír?

Nem, a szememen át izzadok.

- Phineas és Ferb: a 2. dimenzió1

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31 October, 2011

Sötétben a város felé autózva, a fények játékát nézve gondold végig, hogy talán a múlt jövője mégiscsak a jelen, és közelebbi, mint hitted.

22 March, 2011

Azt hiszem, rájöttem, hova tűnik el ez idő: minden óra valójában idővel megy. Nem sokkal, csak egész kevéssel, de minél több óra van, annál több időt elhasználnak, és nekünk ezért nem marad.

07 February, 2011

3,5 napnyi takarítás, selejtítés, pakolás és matatás összegzése: elfáradtam.

06 February, 2011

Napok óta selejtítek. Ennek lassan áldozatául esik pl. az eszközök még mindig tartogatott dobozai (hátha eladom címen), rettenetes mennyiségű ősrégi CD és DVD (Chip magazin mellékletek argh), cafatnyi bőrök (a "nagyobb" darabok maradnak), régi számítógép …

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Ma láttam egy törpét. Olyan valódi, ősz szakállas, kérges kezű, bakancsos fantasy törpét. Vajon csak álcázza magát? Vagy csak egybeolvadtak a fajok valamikor az időszámítás elõtt? Nem lehet, hogy annyi legendának ne legyen valami alapja.


"Érezted már álom és ébrenlét határán, hogy hirtelen más, igazibb nézőpontból látod a világot? Hogy a dolgok megmutatják igazi valójukat, lehullanak az álarcok, és a hétköznapi környezet valami furcsa, idegen, misztikus jelenség színterévé válik? Én ezt é…

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