Recently I developed a need to fill my photo metadata in correctly, including GPS coordinates. Right now I have this information in
- some of the photos as EXIF/IPTC
- WordPress, as post meta
- Flickr
- and in my head
Neither WordPress, nor Flickr are ideal place to store this, and my head will eventually lose data as well, so I want the files themselves to be as self sustaining as possible. I'm planning to fix all potential problems as well with proper encodings (yay for ASCII only metadata in a binary file!) at the description, title, and keywords fields.
So I started looking for a software which would allow me to drag and drop images on a map and geotag them accordingly - this is where the problem started. I've tried out at least ten solutions for linux, and ended up using Flickr for this.
digiKam1 although it works, it's horrible, because the tiles don't reload if you move the map, only if you zoom. You also need to fiddle with Konqueror settings to make this work and it seems like digiKam starts messing with metadata I did not want it to mess with.
geotag2 and picasa3 needs Google Earth, which simple fails to work on current Linux Mint.
gpsprune4 is so arcane that I still haven't figured out how to use it correctly.
So I decided I'll go with the simplest, but most tedious solution: making a GPX file by hand and use exiftool5 to apply it when I realized, I could use Flick for this, since all the photos I published on my site are cross-posted to Flickr.
Making the GPX file
Due to my day job, I'm exposed heavily to Perl and bash... so I made the data fetcher and GPX printer in bash, because - apart from wget - it doesn't have dependencies.
function flickr_meta () {
while read id; do
>&2 echo "getting flickr meta for $id";
json=$(wget -q -O- "${FLICKR_API_KEY}&photo_id=${id}&format=json&nojsoncallback=1")
if ! grep -q 'latitude":' <<< $json || ! grep -q 'longitude":' <<< $json; then
>&2 echo "no geo for $id";
if ! grep -q 'taken":' <<< $json; then
>&2 echo "no taken date for $id"
lat=$(sed -r 's/.*latitude":"([0-9\.-]+)".*/\1/' <<< "${json}")
lon=$(sed -r 's/.*longitude":"([0-9\.-]+)".*/\1/' <<< "${json}")
d=$(sed -r 's/.*taken":"([0-9\ :-]+)".*/\1/' <<< "${json}" | sed -r 's/(.*)\s(.*)/\1T\2Z/' )
echo "<trkpt lat=\"$lat\" lon=\"$lon\"><time>$d</time></trkpt>"
done <<< "$(flickr_list)"
function flickr_list () {
>&2 echo "getting flickr id list";
json=$(wget -q -O- "${FLICKR_API_KEY}&format=json&nojsoncallback=1&user_id=${FLICKR_USER}&per_page=300");
json=$(echo "${json}" | json_pp);
while read line; do
if ! grep -q '"id"' <<< "$line"; then
echo "$line" | sed -r 's/"id"\s+:\s+"([0-9]+)",?/\1/'
done <<< "$json";
function generate_gpx () {
echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<gpx xmlns="" xmlns:gpxx="" xmlns:gpxtpx="" creator="Oregon 400t" version="1.1" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<trkseg>' >> $GPX_FILE
echo $(flickr_meta) >> $GPX_FILE
echo '</trkseg>
</gpx>' >> $GPX_FILE
This outputs a single file, by default to
. I've limited the query to 300 images
and I didn't go pagination, because I didn't need it. You may do, so
please be aware of this.
Actual tagging
Just run
exiftool -geotag=/path/to/gpx /path/to/photos/dir
and magic happens.
(Oh, by the way: this entry was written by Peter Molnar, and originally posted on petermolnar dot net.)