integer division without divide functionality

Division with integers in C, for testing 32 bit max as dividend.

I've found a code in some forum, but it had a bug. Nevertheless, the function implemented in C:

int DIV ( int dividend , int divisor ) {
  int q = 0;

  while (dividend >= divisor) {
    dividend -= divisor;

  return q;

Although, if time is critical and large numbers are plausible, this will be SLOW. A more sophisticated one:

tUI32 DIV_tester_UI ( tUI32 dividend, tUI32 divisor )
  tUI32 q = 0;
  tUI16 cnt = 0;
  tUI32 tmp = 0;
  tUI32 sft = 1;
  if (divisor != 0 && dividend != 0 && dividend >= divisor )
    if (dividend == divisor)
      q = 1;
      while ( dividend > divisor )
        tmp = dividend;

        while (tmp > divisor)
          tmp = tmp >> 1;
          sft=sft < < 1;

        if ( tmp != divisor )
          sft = sft>>1;

        q += sft;
        dividend = dividend - (divisor<<cnt);

        cnt = 0;
        sft = 1;

      if ( dividend == divisor )
        q += 1;


  return q;

(Oh, by the way: this entry was written by Peter Molnar, and originally posted on petermolnar dot net.)