I have a fairly simple setup of a virtual NAT with lxc containers on my host. There's a central rsyslog server running on the host system, all the log from the containers are arriving in there. Therefore setting up iptables per container would not be the best approach, rather creating a single setup on the host itself.
The only issue is, that usually fail2ban uses the INPUT chain, which
is not used by the NAT ( preroute ) table - we need FORWARD. While there
is an option to change, named chain
in the actions.d files,
it did not work for me at all, so I ended up with the following actions
file for multiport-nat:
# Fail2Ban configuration file
# Author: Cyril Jaquier
# Modified by: Peter Molnar for NAT
# Yaroslav Halchenko for multiport banning
# $Revision$
# Option: actionstart
# Notes.: command executed once at the start of Fail2Ban.
# Values: CMD
actionstart = iptables -N fail2ban-<name>
iptables -A fail2ban-</name><name> -j RETURN
iptables -I FORWARD -p <protocol> -m multiport --dports <port> -j fail2ban-<name>
# Option: actionstop
# Notes.: command executed once at the end of Fail2Ban
# Values: CMD
actionstop = iptables -D FORWARD -p <protocol> -m multiport --dports <port> -j fail2ban-<name>
iptables -F fail2ban-</name><name>
iptables -X fail2ban-</name><name>
# Option: actioncheck
# Notes.: command executed once before each actionban command
# Values: CMD
actioncheck = iptables -n -L FORWARD | grep -q fail2ban-</name><name>
# Option: actionban
# Notes.: command executed when banning an IP. Take care that the
# command is executed with Fail2Ban user rights.
# Tags: <ip> IP address
# <failures> number of failures
# <time> unix timestamp of the ban time
# Values: CMD
actionban = iptables -I fail2ban-<name> 1 -s <ip> -j DROP
# Option: actionunban
# Notes.: command executed when unbanning an IP. Take care that the
# command is executed with Fail2Ban user rights.
# Tags: </ip><ip> IP address
# <failures> number of failures
# <time> unix timestamp of the ban time
# Values: CMD
actionunban = iptables -D fail2ban-<name> -s <ip> -j DROP
# Defaut name of the chain
name = default
# Option: port
# Notes.: specifies port to monitor
# Values: [ NUM | STRING ] Default:
port = ssh
# Option: protocol
# Notes.: internally used by config reader for interpolations.
# Values: [ tcp | udp | icmp | all ] Default: tcp
protocol = tcp
# Option: chain
# Notes specifies the iptables chain to which the fail2ban rules should be
# added
# Values: STRING Default: INPUT
chain = FORWARD
(Oh, by the way: this entry was written by Peter Molnar, and originally posted on petermolnar dot net.)